In our fast moving time people are searching en masse for wisdom. Especially regarding the ‘how’ and the ‘what’, unfortunately too many are failing to ask the more fundamental question: ‘why’! Therefore the ‘coaching-world’ is dealing with a very high percentage of the ‘how’ and ‘what’ questions. It is swarming with ‘secret-revealers’, ‘key-holders’ and ‘roadmap-trainers’. They all give you clever solution and ready-made action-plans, under the motto: listen to me, I know what is best for you.
In our time it seems to me that the authenticity-ideal of the Renaissance and Enlightenment has spun out of control, and has manifested itself in something of a make ability- illusion/obsession. And sadly, many coaches seem to only confirm this illusion, they are ignoring a big blind-spot. They are ignoring the ‘Beschränkungen’ (the limitations), and on top of that they quite often appear to lack in the ‘art of dealing with reality’. A huge blind-spot for deep and high layers within ‘the process of becoming a human’ (Abraham Herschl: to be human, is to become human)…