Leaderships-training for women!
Module 1: ‘bezielend leiderschap’ starts November 1. 2012 van
Registration via www.xpand.eu
Over the last couple of years there has been increasingly more attention for female leadership. Governments have created programs and funds in order to develop diversity in the top segments, to help female talents to have more of a fair chance to rise to the top functions in business, politics, health-care etc, and to create more economic growth due to more participation of women on the job-market. Now, how do employees actually perceive female leaders, and are they generally better leaders than men? Some argue they are! Women are often better socially capable, are stronger in communication skills, and are more emphatic. Their EQ, in general, is higher, and exactly these competences often make them better managers, they argue. Others on the other hand believe that men are more capable in giving direction, that they make decisions a lot faster, and that they dare to take risks. In her research regarding gender and leadership Prof. Jana Stoker eventually came with an interesting conclusion. Various managers could be categorized into 4 groups...