Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Leading as a Coach 1: Winning the talent

Peter is sitting in a lobby of a renowned bank in the Netherlands. He is only 22, but he is a definite high potential, and he is invited for an interview with one of the directors of the bank. Annoyingly though the director is 35 minutes late, and when he arrives he invites Peter in with a big smile. The director doesn’t bother to give any excuses and arrogantly sits down behind his big desk. Upon which Peter asks him why he is late and why he had to sit in the lobby for over half an hour without being given any information. The director answers him: ‘well youngman, I am a director of a big bank, these things happen.’ Big smile. Peter briefly assesses the situation, gets up and politely takes leave with the following words: ‘Well, many thanks for your kind invitation, but I am quite sure that I won’t fit in well in your organization.’ 5 minutes later, 3500 young professionals in the Netherlands have read what Peter has just experienced at a bank that prides itself for being an innovative and top-notch company…

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Leading as a coach, and how to get and to keep talent!

The NRC-Next published on the 13th of March 2013 the following article: ‘How to get and keep engineers’.

- 1.200.000 = engineers/technicians in NL
-    102.000 = new vacancies that will be realized in 2013 for engineers/technicians in NL
-    150.000 = shortage of well-educated engineers/technicians in NL for 2011-2016

At the same time the Dutch ministry for Health, Wellbeing and Sport published the following numbers in 2010 concerning the developments within healthcare:

- 1.400.000 = people working in NL in healthcare
- the prognoses for between 2011 and 2020 is that this number will decline with 450.000

Even though we are living amidst an ongoing economic crisis, there is an increasing demand for well-educated professionals and specialists, not only within the engineering-sector, but also throughout the entire society (including healthcare). After making this observation, NRC-Next addresses the following question and ideas: how can you assure to get and keep professionals and specialist?