Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Christian Entrepreneurship

In the previous blog I have already briefly discussed CSR. So, how does that idea correspond with entrepreneurship that is based on Christian ethics and belief. For one, such entrepreneurship does know the same stadia of the Maslow Pyramid. Nonetheless, there is a significant difference here...

Own Identity:
To start with oneself: what is the identity of your enterprise. Henri Nouwen has given a quite good example, in regard to the latter he gives 4 general possibilities:
·         your identity is based on what people think of you;
·         your identity is the result of what you own;
·         your identity is the result of your actions;
·         or, your identity is salvaged through the knowledge that you are a loved child of God our Father, and you live in the knowledge that He is leading not only your life but also your organization.

The journey starts with personally realizing and surrendering, knowing that only Jesus can shape you into a good man. It starts with a healthy leadership of your own life! Seeing your life through God’s perspective. Learning to walk with Jesus. Aiming your heart towards Him.

Now, how does your organization fits in that perspective? Is the organization a ‘means’, or does the organization rule over your life? If you live according the view that your organization constitutes  a part of Gods Kingdom than that places the organization in an entirely different perspective. Values that are primary values in Gods Kingdom are then automatically primary values for the organization. And your organization works throughout the idea that it is serving the society.

Personal Leadership:
In the book healthy leadership in the Church (by Paul Ch. Donders en Jaap Ketelaar) a personal leadership concept has been developed. Within this concept there are 5 various areas:
·         Calling
·         Personal responsibility (result orientated development of character)
·         Social responsibility (forming character, which is based on others)
·         Social competences
·         Governing competences

Our calling is one of the very central aspects throughout our life. If we are clear about our calling, than that forms a beautiful fundament, from which you can find direction concerning your life, but also just as much in regard to your work. Discovering your personal calling is quite the journey by itself though. And it can only be a fruitful journey if you are ‘traveling’ with a healthy vision of your identity. Through prayer, reading Gods word, receiving guidance concerning the place of life you are in and counsel of good counselors He does reveal Himself. It is His desire to share his will and his plans for your life with you! And through actively searching for them you can, and will find them.

To be able to give substance to our calling we need to learn to work in ‘dependence’. Growing in your relationship with Jesus, and working on your personal development are both essentially here. In the case of personal development, the development of character and the growth of competences needs to go hand in hand. When the development of character is left behind, this can easily result in manipulation and the corruption of yourself, and if the development of competences  are left behind, that can lead to - for example - a burn-out. And if you have not learned how to efficiently delegate responsibilities, or if you have not learned how to deal with situations that are affecting you emotionally, you might easily slip, and your calling could be jeopardized.

In the following blog I will be telling you some more about transformation-process of your organization into a organization of Gods perspective, and about the role that you can have within that process!

Jan Wolthers

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